圣经问答/聖經問答/Bible Quiz

那麼誰能得救呢那么谁能得救呢Then who can be saved
主啊,誰是我的鄰舍 主啊,谁是我的邻舍Lord, who is my neighbor
什麼是褻瀆聖靈什么是亵渎圣灵What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
有耳可聽的,就應當聽 有耳可听的,就应当听He who has ears to hear, he should listen
什麼是上帝「三位一體」什么是上帝「三位一体」What is God’s Trinity
上帝的靈和聖靈有什麼區別上帝的灵和圣灵有什么区别What’s the difference with God’s Spirit and Holy Spirit
背起十字架是什麼意思背起十字架是什么意思What does it mean to take up the cross
鬼和鬼附聖經的看法是怎樣的呢鬼和鬼附圣经的看法是怎样的呢What is the view of ghosts and demons in the Bible
為什麼在耶穌的時代有撒旦为什么在耶稣的时代有撒旦Why there was Satan in the day of Jesus
摩西說要欠債還錢; 耶穌要求們要饒恕摩西说要欠债还钱; 耶稣要求们要饶恕Why did Moses say that he would pay his debts Jesus asks for forgiveness
駱駝穿過針的眼,比財主進天國還容易骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进天国还容易It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
葡萄園比喻中,每個人都領到相同的工資。對忠心侍奉主的人是否不公平葡萄园比喻中,每个人都领到相同的工资。对忠心侍奉主的人是否不公平In the vineyard parable, everyone receives the same wage. Is it unfair to those who serve the Lord faithfully?
耶穌咒詛無花果樹的比喻是什麼意思耶稣咒诅无花果树的比喻是什么意思What is the meaning of The parable of Jesus cursing the fig tree
人死後復活如天使但與天使有什麼不同人死后复活如天使但与天使有什么不同Man dies and rises again like an angel, but how is it different from an angel
跟從文士與法利賽人; 是否信錯上帝呢 跟从文士与法利赛人; 是否信错上帝呢 Follow the scribes and Pharisees; Do you believe in the wrong God
特朗普是否假基督 特朗普是否假基督 (简体)Whether Donald Trump is a false Christ